Featured Projects

Featured Games - All these are free with no ads/spyware!

Dink Smallwood HD
Dink Smallwood HD is free, open source and available for many platforms. It supports in-game DMOD browsing and installation too! (Github) (Web version)
Dungeon Scroll
If a word game and a dungeon crawler had a baby, this would be it. Free! High Scores. Free web version
Mind Wall
Mind Wall is our original puzzle/arcade game. For PC and mobile devices. High Scores.
Proton SDK
Seth's free open source cross platform C++ game framework can put your game on Windows, OS X, Android, iOS and WebOS. Visit www.protonsdk.com for more info. (Github)
Growtopia is a multiplayer creative sandbox created by Seth and Hamumu Software. It was acquired by Ubisoft in early 2017. Seth's Growtopia F.A.Q.Please note: We will not provide compensation for your damaged brain. Because make no mistake, these games will blow your mind!