$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Data/ Cloning Related, Entity
 Delete, DataManager
 Die State Anims
 Direct Device Access, InputManager
 Division Operator, Vector2
 Dot, Vector2
 DrawFilledRect, DrawManager
 DrawLine, DrawManager
 DrawPixel, DrawManager
 DrawRect, DrawManager
 DumpScriptInfo, Entity
 Entity Related Constants
 entityID, Zone
 Equality Operator, Vector2
 General, Entity
 GetAcceleration, Entity
 GetActiveGoal, GoalManager
 GetActiveMap, MapManager
 GetActiveStateName, BrainManager
 GetActiveZoneByMaterialType, Entity
 GetAllLayers, LayerManager
 GetAlpha, Color
 GetAnimFrame, Entity
 GetAnimLoopCallback, Entity
 GetAnimName, Entity
 GetAnimPause, Entity
 GetApproachPosition, Entity
 GetAsEntity, Tile
 GetAttach, Entity
 GetAttachOffset, Entity
 GetAutoSave, Map
 GetBlendMode, Entity
 GetBlue, Color
 GetBrainByName, BrainManager
 GetBrainManager, Entity
 GetButtonCount, Joystick
 GetCameraSettings, Camera
 GetCollisionByRay, Map
 GetCollisionGroup, Entity
 GetCollisionLayers, LayerManager
 GetCollisionRect, Entity
 GetCollisionScale, Entity
 GetCursorVisible, App
 GetDistanceFromEntityByID, Entity
 GetDistanceFromPosition, Entity
 GetEnableRotationPhysics, Entity
 GetEngineVersion, App
 GetEngineVersionAsString, App
 GetEntityTrackingByID, Camera
 GetFacing, Entity
 GetFacingTarget, Entity
 GetFromString, TagManager
 GetGameTick, App
 GetGoalByName, GoalManager
 GetGoalCount, GoalManager
 GetGoalCountByName, GoalManager
 GetGoalManager, Entity
 GetGravityOverride, Entity
 GetGreen, Color
 GetImageByID, Entity
 GetImageClipRect, Entity
 GetIsCreature, Entity
 GetIsWindowed, App
 GetJoystick, InputManager
 GetJoystickCount, InputManager
 GetLayerIDByName, LayerManager
 GetLayerManager, Map
 GetLeftStickPosition, Joystick
 GetLimitToMapArea, Camera
 GetLinearVelocity, Entity
 GetLockedScale, Entity
 GetMap, Entity
 GetMapName, Tag
 GetMass, Entity
 GetMaterial, MaterialManager
 GetMotionController, Particle
 GetMousePos, InputManager
 GetNearbyZoneByMaterialType, Entity
 GetNext, TileList
 GetNum, DataManager
 GetNumWithDefault, DataManager
 GetOnGround, Entity
 GetOnGroundAccurate, Entity
 GetParticleByName, EffectManager
 GetPlatform, App
 GetPosCentered, Camera
 GetPosFromName, TagManager
 GetPreLaunchScreenSize, App
 GetPriorityLevel, Entity
 GetRect, Entity
 GetRed, Color
 GetRightStickPosition, Joystick
 GetRotation, Entity
 GetRunUpdateEveryFrame, Entity
 GetScreenSize, App
 GetSimulationSpeedMod, App
 GetSizeX, Entity
 GetSizeY, Entity
 GetSpecial, Material
 GetText, Entity
 GetTextBounds, Entity
 GetTextColor, Entity
 GetTextScale, Entity
 GetTick, App
 GetTilesByRect, Map
 GetTurnSpeed, Entity
 GetUserProfileName, GameLogic
 GetVectorFacing, Entity
 GetVectorFacingTarget, Entity
 GetVectorToEntity, Entity
 GetVectorToEntityID, Entity
 GetVectorToPosition, Entity
 GetVisibleLayers, LayerManager
 GetVisualState, Entity
 GetVisualStateOverride, Entity
 GetWatchCount, WatchManager
 GetWithDefault, DataManager
 GetWorldCollisionRect, Entity
 Global Functions
 HasLineOfSightToPosition, Entity
 Idle State Anims
 Image related, Entity
 Inequality Operator, Vector2
 InitCollisionDataBySize, Entity
 InitGameGUI, GameLogic
 InNearbyZoneByMaterialType, Entity
 InstantUpdate, Camera
 InState, BrainManager
 Interpolation Settings, Camera
 InZoneByMaterialType, Entity
 IsCloseToEntity, Entity
 IsCloseToEntityByID, Entity
 IsFacingTarget, Entity
 IsGoalActiveByName, GoalManager
 IsOnSameMapAsEntityByID, Entity
 IsPlaced, Entity
 IsPlaying, SoundManager
 IsShuttingDown, GameLogic
 IsValidPosition, Entity
 Kill, SoundManager
 Known Issues
An object designed to flexibly store and retrieve numbers and strings very quickly use key/value pairs.
A state that causes an entity to stop moving and play his die animation.
Anim’s with these names are preferred by the engine when in the Die state.
For drawing primitives like rectangles and lines.
All effect emitters are based on this type and can use its functions.
Particle emitter based on EffectBase that is good for explosions.
Allows interesting visual effects to be created and attached to entities.
The Entity object.
If an Entity was hit, this his ID, otherwise will be C_ENTITY_NONE.
A brain for use with the BrainManager that causes its owner Entity to become visible over time and then removes itself from the brain stack.
A brain for use with the BrainManager that causes its owner Entity to become invisible over time and then deletes the Entity completely.
A brain for use with the BrainManager that overrides its owner Entity’s visual settings.
A state that causes an entity to stop moving.
Contains general game-related functions.
class_< vector<unsigned int> >(
) .def(constructor<>()) .def("Add", &vector<unsigned int>::push_back) .def("GetCount", &vector<unsigned int>::size) .def("Get", &NumberGet) .def("__tostring", &LayerListToString) ]
These functions are global and can be run from anywhere, they aren’t attached to any specific object.
All Entity objects can use their GoalManager to allow high-level AI features.
A state that causes an entity to stop and play his idle animation.
Anim’s with these names are preferred by the engine when in the Idle state.
If you want a single frame only for your entity, use only this state.
Handles user input such as keyboard, mouse and joystick.
By using InputManager::GetJoystick you can access extra information about a specific gamepad or joystick.
A state that causes an entity to play his jump animation.
There are a few things that can bite you in the ass if you aren’t careful, those are listed here.