$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Scripting Related, Entity
 SendToBrainBase, BrainManager
 SendToBrainByName, BrainManager
 Set1DAcceleration, MotionController
 SetAcceleration, Entity
 SetActiveMapByName, MapManager
 SetAdditionalVector, EffectBase
 SetAlignment, Entity
 SetAlpha, Color
 SetAnimByName, Entity
 SetAnimFrame, Entity
 SetAnimLoopCallback, Entity
 SetAnimPause, Entity
 SetAttach, Entity
 SetAttachOffset, Entity
 SetAutoSave, Map
 SetBlue, Color
 SetCameraSettings, Camera
 SetCategories, Entity
 SetCategory, Entity
 SetCollisionCategories, Entity
 SetCollisionCategory, Entity
 SetCollisionGroup, Entity
 SetCollisionListenCategories, Entity
 SetCollisionListenCategory, Entity
 SetCollisionScale, Entity
 SetColor, Particle
 SetColoring1, Particle
 SetColoring2, Particle
 SetCursorVisible, App
 SetDampening, Entity
 SetDefaultTalkColor, Entity
 SetDeleteFlag, Entity
 SetDensity, Entity
 SetDesiredSpeed, Entity
 SetEnableRotationPhysics, Entity
 SetEntityTrackingByID, Camera
 SetEntityTrackingOffset, Camera
 SetFacing, Entity
 SetFacingTarget, Entity
 SetFont, Entity
 SetGravityOverride, Entity
 SetGreen, Color
 SetHasPathNode, Entity
 SetIfNull, DataManager
 SetImage, Entity
 SetImageByID, Entity
 SetIsCreature, Entity
 SetIsWindowed, App
 SetLayerIDByName, Entity
 SetLimitToMapArea, Camera
 SetLockedScale, Entity
 SetMaxMovementSpeed, Entity
 SetMousePos, InputManager
 SetMoveLerp, Camera
 SetName, Entity
 SetNavNodeType, Entity
 SetNum, DataManager
 SetNumIfNull, DataManager
 SetOffset, EffectBase
 SetOnGround, Entity
 SetPan, SoundManager
 SetPaused, SoundManager
 SetPosAndMap, Entity
 SetPosAndMapByTagName, Entity
 SetPosCentered, Camera
 SetPosCenteredTarget, Camera
 SetPosTarget, Camera
 SetPriority, SoundManager
 SetPriorityLevel, Entity
 SetRed, Color
 SetRestartEngineFlag, GameLogic
 SetRightStickAxis, Joystick
 SetRotation, Entity
 SetRunUpdateEveryFrame, Entity
 SetScaleLerp, Camera
 SetScaleTarget, Camera
 SetScreenSize, App
 SetSimulationSpeedMod, App
 SetSpecial, Material
 SetSpeedDistortion, EffectExplosion
 SetSpeedFactor, SoundManager
 SetSpriteByVisualStateAndFacing, Entity
 SetStateByName, BrainManager
 SetText, Entity
 SetTextAlignment, Entity
 SetTextColor, Entity
 SetTextRect, Entity
 SetTextScale, Entity
 SetTrigger, Entity
 SetTurnSpeed, Entity
 SetUserProfileName, GameLogic
 SetVectorFacing, Entity
 SetVectorFacingTarget, Entity
 SetVisibilityNotifications, Entity
 SetVisualProfile, Entity
 SetVisualState, Entity
 SetVisualStateOverride, Entity
 SetVolume, SoundManager
 SetWindowTitle, App
 SetWorldRect, Map
 Special1 State Anims
 State Related, BrainManager
 Stop, Entity
 StopX, Entity
 StopY, Entity
 Storing Data, DataManager
 Sub Goals, GoalManager
 Subtraction Operator
 Text Related, Entity
 Tile Related Constants
 ToggleEditMode, GameLogic
 Tracking And Control, Camera
 UnloadMapByName, MapManager
 UpdateSoundByPosition, Entity
 UserProfileActive, GameLogic
 UserProfileExists, GameLogic
 Vector2(Vector2), Vector2
 Vector2(x,y), Vector2
 vPos, Zone
 Walk State Anims
 WorldData, GameLogic
 x, Vector2
 y, Vector2
 Zone/ Scanning Related, Entity
A brain for use with the BrainManager that causes its owner Entity to scale to a specific size then optionally delete the Entity completely.
A brain for use with the BrainManager that causes its owner Entity to rapidly change position randomly.
Controls all game audio.
A state that causes an entity to stop moving and play his attack animation.
Anim’s with these names are preferred by the engine when in the Pain state.
Special entities are not associated with a tile and have a limited API that is much simpler than a normal Entity.
A brain for use with the BrainManager that performs many generic functions such as movement and path-finding.
Contains information about a named Entity.
When an Entity is “named”, it’s instantly locatable throughout the world at all times through the tag manager.
Intelligently draws text and captions.
Anything placeable on the map is housed in a Tile.
Contains a list of tiles.
TilePics are the simplest form of visual.
The top coordinate.
The top coordinate.
A state that causes an entity to stop moving and play his attack animation.
The Vector2 object.
When using Map::GetCollisionByRay it is the exact point of collision, in other cases it may be the Entity/TilePic’s position.
A state that causes an entity to play his walk animation and move in the direction he’s current facing at the speed set in Entity::SetDesiredSpeed.
Anim’s with these names are preferred by the engine when in the Walk state.
Allows entities to function off-screen.
The x coordinate.
The y coordinate.
A simple object that contains information about a collision.